Reviewer Guidelines

Blind peer review is applied in Mebadi International Journal of Philosophy

Reviewers act impartially and maintain confidentiality when evaluating articles within their area of expertise.

Reviewers should refrain from evaluating papers authored by individuals with whom they have any conflict of interest, academic affiliation, or personal relationship. They should inform the journal editor of such situations and decline the review process.

The chief editor evaluates articles independently of the authors' ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religious beliefs, or political philosophy. Submitted articles undergo fair double-blind peer review.

Selected articles are sent for evaluation to at least two national/international referees; the publication decision is made by the chief editor after the referees' requests, the revisions made by the authors, and the post-peer review process

Reviewers should ensure that all information related to the submitted articles remains confidential until publication and report any copyright infringement or plagiarism detected to the editor.

If a reviewer does not feel qualified to review the subject matter of the article or cannot provide timely feedback, they should inform the editor and request not to be involved in the review process.

Reviewers and editorial board members should not discuss articles with third parties.